Recently heard a lot of advertisement for the Astro On Demand on TV or even Radio. It's kinda hot topic now. Wonder what's astro on demand ? Just tune to Astro Channel 36 and you are able to preview more on what's astro on demand. It's actually watching TVB drama at the same time with Hong Kong ppl. Cool yeah ?
Personally I feel that the ads on Astro is very creative. ahah. If u have seen it then you would have know what I mean. The guy act as a vcd seller and all the aunty and uncle told him they watched it already. =p
There's two movie showing now.
1) The Drive Of Life 歲月風雲

2) Fathers & Sons 爸爸閉翳

So what are you waiting for ?
Q: How do I order?A: There are two (2) ways.
1) Call our AOD Hotline at 1300 82 8888 daily from 8am till 12am.
2) Or visit www.astro.com.my
Viewers will be able to watch the dramas from Channel 900 onwards. There is no new equipment to install. A subscriber’s existing decoder, remote control and active smartcard are all that is necessary.
Q: How much do I have to pay if I order AOD Drama? A: AOD has an Introductory Special Price offer
1. Customers with current subscription to the Dynasty Package is RM0.99 per episode. RRP is RM1.49 per episode
2. Customers who are not subscribing to the Dynasty Package is RM 1.49 per episode. RRP RM 1.99 per episode
* RRP – Recommended Retail Price
More DetailsLabels: Astro